Posted on by pacewebadmin2019
Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussion
PACE held 6 focus group discussions with different backgrounds within Yangon region to analyze their opinions that concerns with Yangon Municipal Election. All interviewees are youths between the ages of 18 and 25, Rural Men and Women, Low income worker groups and the people who stands with parties especially NLS and USDP.
The objectives of the discussions of the same groups are as follows.
- To analyze the reasons of less voter turn-out in Municipal Election and By-Elections.
- • To figure out the estimate opinions and reasons from the same groups about the number of voters in 2020 General Election.
- • To note the comments from the same groups discussions to figure out the reasons of small number of women candidates and the preferences to elect the candidate between party and candidate.
- • To have the comment from the same groups about the answer ‘ do not know’ for the questionnaire that ‘ Interest in politics’ in the previous surveys.
• To realize the reasons and opinions concerns with the right that allows to vote people who are in the ages of 18 at the Municipal Election.